Monday, January 23, 2012


I don't know about you but my first thought when I wake up in the morning is usually not about organizing. But when I decide something isn't working then the wheels start turning.  So today after a full day of work, I decided that my small laundry room was driving me nuts.  As my mom always says "when the spirit is moving, get moving."  So not only did I re-organize, cleaned and de-cluttered my laundry room, I also oraganized Samuel's bathroom, my bathroom and most of the kitchen.  YUP, the spirit was moving alright!  This comes in spurts for me.  I usually have to pray several days in advance for the Lord to help me to have energy and be inspired.  When the timing is right, He does.

Now when I organize or re-arrange a room it usually takes me a while to map things out.  I first have to figure out what bothers me the most and what it will take to fix it.  I write out a list of everything thing I want to do so I don't forget.  Some times the list works but some times it is just a jump start to get the project started.  I usually get inspired to change things when I go to client's houses and see the way they have their stuff organized or decorated.

Next time you are wanting to re-organize write down what you don't like and options to make it work better for you.  IF you get stuck or have lack of energy pray and ask the Lord to give you energy and direction for your me it works!

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