Friday, January 20, 2012

How dirty are your blinds?

I was asked the other day how I cleaned blinds. Everyone has a different way but here are some ways I clean blinds.....

 I had to take a moment and think cause I haven’t cleaned binds so many different ways cause it just depends on the blinds.  Then I realized, wow, I need to clean my blinds….yikes!

I have cleaned metal blinds and wooden/plastic blinds.  I have the metal skinny blinds.  When I go to clean them I will use swiffer dusters.  I will twist the blinds where they face me and dust them and then twist them to face the window.  I will pull out the blinds away from the window and dust them.  Sounds silly but then all the dirt comes off the blinds completely.  Otherwise not all the blinds will get cleaned off.

If you have wooden or plastic blinds there are different options.  You can clean the blinds just as I said above.  For the blinds that need a little more TLC.  I suggest dusting them first and then hand washing blind with a rag and all pupose cleaner.  Spray the rag with cleaner and wipe.  You will most likely need lots of rags, I know I did. For those really tough stains use the magic eraser on it (white blinds).  

What I have learned NOT to do….spray the blinds and then wipe each blind individually.  It makes it SUPER messy and doesn’t give you great results. Also paper towels are not helpful either.  

 I am always amazed how black the rag gets after hand wiping the blinds.  It is a lot of work but great work out. SO put on some fun music and clean away!

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